
12.24-12.25.2005 Christmas 2005 at 87 (soon to be 88 years of age)

1. The coldest day recorded 23oC.
2. Burial of NBI Director - Reynaldo Wycoco
3. Heavy traffic as usual - one day before Christmas
4. Mla. Film Festival parade - 3:00 p.m.
5. Gift giving for the less fortunate going on.
6. Another death recorded - Senator Robert Barbers died of throat cancer.
7. Minimized destruction from use of fire crackers.
8. More number of fire incidents - 6
9. Rise of prices of prime commodities.
10. Tiangge sales more than mall sales.
11. Gov't. benefits still wanting - bonus and increases.
12. More fortunate people aware of the meaning of Christmas - entertainment, civil & social organizations & private citizens (individuals).
11. Politically minded people still on their antics - rallies, radio talks
12. More peaceful than other Christmas days "Praise the good Lord."

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