
01.13.2006 Prayers Against Blasphemy

The Golden Arrow

May the most holy, most mysterious and most unalterable name of God be praised, blessed, adored, loved and glorifies in Heaven, on Earth and in hell, by all God's creatures & by the Sacred Heart of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Sins of blasphemy - Avoid these:
1. Against the Immaculate Conception
2. Against Her Perpetual Virginity
3. Againstr Her Divine Maternity
4. Sowing indifferences & scorn in the hearts of children of the Immaculate maternity
5. Directly outrage for Her Holy images

Messages at Fatima -
1. Emphasizing the Rosary
2. Devotion tothe Immaculate Heart of Mary
3. Value of the Brown Scapular
4. Truth of Purgatory
5. Authority of the Papacy
6. Sacrament of Confession
7. The Holy Eucharist as the Body, Blood and Divinity of Jesus Christ

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